
Does posture contribute to or even cause your pain? I believe posture is a possible, or even likely contributor to chronic pain for many people. And you can do a lot about it!

Our modern life is so different from what our bodies were designed for, and the way we live puts many physical stresses on our muscles, tendons and connective tissue. More than 26 million Americans between the ages of 20-64 experience frequent back pain, that is 27% of all chronic pain in the US, and another 17% is frequent neck pain. It is not known how much of these issues are related to structural damage, for many people there is no clear answer.

My bias: posture is a hugely important topic. It is one way you can take control of your situation. I would be surprised if changing habitual posture does not give you some relief. Please let me know.

Thoughts about posture

Exploring posture by Sar Sunstein a Ortho-Bionomy® practitioner